Vocal Cords Paralysis Following Infiltration of the Surgical Wound in Thyroid Surgery

  • Yesid Diaz Ante a Médico anestesiólogo, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia.
  • Juan Manuel Gómez b Médico. Profesor Titular Departamento de Anestesiología, Universidad del Valle; Anestesiólogo, Centro Médico Imbanaco; Anestesiólogo Clínica Sebastián de Belalcazar. Cali, Colombia.
  • Mauricio Barbano Hurtado c Profesor Departamento de Anestesiología, Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia.
  • Susana Borrero Gutiérrez d Médica. Anestesióloga, Centro Médico Imbanaco, Cali, Colombia.
Keywords: Paralysis, Vocal Cords, Thyroid Gland, Anesthetics Local


Objective. Two cases of temporary paralysis of the vocal cords are discussed, in which recurrent injury of the laryngeal nerves, edema of the glottis and other common causes were ruled out.

Methodology. Case report.

Results. Infiltration of the surgical wound with local anesthetic at the end of the surgical procedure was considered a possible cause. No similar reports were found in the main databases. The decision was made to publish these cases in order to consider another possible cause of vocal cords paralysis following thyroidectomy.


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How to Cite
Diaz Ante Y, Gómez JM, Barbano Hurtado M, Borrero Gutiérrez S. Vocal Cords Paralysis Following Infiltration of the Surgical Wound in Thyroid Surgery. Colomb. J. Anesthesiol. [Internet]. 2011 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 2];39(1):103-9. Available from: https://www.revcolanest.com.co/index.php/rca/article/view/732


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How to Cite
Diaz Ante Y, Gómez JM, Barbano Hurtado M, Borrero Gutiérrez S. Vocal Cords Paralysis Following Infiltration of the Surgical Wound in Thyroid Surgery. Colomb. J. Anesthesiol. [Internet]. 2011 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 2];39(1):103-9. Available from: https://www.revcolanest.com.co/index.php/rca/article/view/732
Case Report / Case Series


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