Transfusion in trauma

  • Víctor Hugo González Cárdenas a. Clinical Epidemiologist La Samaritana University Hospital, "Mandragora". b. Anesthesia Research Group, Anesthesiologist, San José Children's Hospital. c. Head of Anesthesia Research Deorum Opus-FUCS. d. Intensivist, University Clinic Colombia-Sanitas Internacional. e. Instructor of Anesesiology - FUCS, Clnical. f. Professor, Universidad de la Sabana, Graduate Program in Anesthesiology, Bogotá, Colombia
Keywords: Hemorrhage, Blood transfusion, Trauma, Recombinant FVIIa, Tranexamic acid, Coagulopathies


Massive transfusion is considered a key component in the acute management of massive hemorrhage. While the existing protocols do not standardize its use, they do recommend its timely administration and a dose adjusted to the type of blood product, a proportionate ratio between hemocomponents and appropriate adjuvant drug support, in addition to techniques that promote bleeding control and prevent syndromes that could trigger a fatal outcome. This non-systematic review is intended to summarize the current concepts on the acute management of massive bleeding in trauma, from a non-surgical perspective.

The search was limited to the articles of the last 10 years and included primary and secondary data basis, leading to a snowball technique.


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How to Cite
González Cárdenas VH. Transfusion in trauma. Colomb. J. Anesthesiol. [Internet]. 2012 Oct. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 2];40(4):287–292. Available from:


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How to Cite
González Cárdenas VH. Transfusion in trauma. Colomb. J. Anesthesiol. [Internet]. 2012 Oct. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 2];40(4):287–292. Available from:
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